University of Toronto Development Feasibility Studies

As a partner in both Sterling Finlayson Architects and Sweeny Sterling Finlayson Architects &Co, Mark Sterling led a series of feasibility analyses for development sites on and adjacent to the University’s St. George Campus in downtown Toronto.

These studies examined both future functional programming requirements and the current regulatory framework on multiple sites on behalf of the University of Toronto. These studies made recommendations to the University’s administration regarding development potential and program fit on more than ten different campus development sites.

A number of these studies have resulted in successful development implementations including: the Bahen Centre for Information Technology; the expansion of the Rotman School of Management; and the Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport.

In addition to feasibility study work Mark was also the City of Toronto lead for the Revitalization of St. George Street – a joint City/University streetscape design project.


University of Toronto


Toronto, Ontario

Services Provided

Project Lead;
Architectural Design;
Functional Programming;
Urban Design Focused Project Input;
Community and Master Planning;
Campus Master Planning;
Streetscape and Open Space Design;
Development Feasibility Analysis;
3D Digital Visualization and Urban Information Modeling;
Policy Analysis;
Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments.


Mark Sterling – Project Lead and Urban Design partner in charge Sterling Finlayson Architects;
Mark Sterling – Project Lead and Urban Design partner in charge Sweeny Sterling Finlayson &Co.